Warhammer Trails of the Old World

Warhammer Trails of the Old World

Wondering Warlocks Warhammer Trails of the Old World
Date and time
Entry fee

We're working with our friends at Wondering Warlocks to bring you high quality, fun events for various Games Workshop games; our second epic event being for The Old World!

Legacy and 3D prints allowed.

Doors open 09:00
Registration starts 09:15
Player meeting 10:00
Points requirement 1,500
Player cap 32
Rules Pack Trails-of-the-Old-World-Rules-Pack.pdf

Ticketing will be handled by Wondering Warlocks. To reserve your space, please send a Friends & Family payment via PayPal to wonderingwarlocks@gmail.com; starting the event you're signing up for, and your name. 


Prize Structure

More information to come!
