Modern Horizon 3 Sunday Relaxed Prerelease

Modern Horizon 3 Sunday Relaxed Prerelease

Date and time
Entry fee

Get ready to shake up your Magic game with the new Modern Horizons 3!

Returning from Magic the Gathering past some old favourites along with some new cards for the Modern era.

Doors Open 10:00

Registration 10:30

Player Meeting 11:00

Format Prerelease sealed, Relaxed

"What do I get in my prerelease kit?"

  • 6 Modern Horizons 3 Play boosters; each Play Booster contains 14 Magic cards
  • 1 Year-stamped Rare or Mythic from the set
  • 1 Set-exclusive spin-down D20
  • 1 MTG Arena Code


Prize Structure

2 Modern Horizon 3 Play booster